Get low cost 0800, 0808, 0845, 0207, 0870 and 0871 Business Phone Numbers or 070058 and 070059 Personal Numbers absolutely Free ! All numbers come with unified messaging features, when someone calls you the system will hunt all of your phones until it finds you, unanswered calls are diverted to your personal voicemail and retrieved by email or phone. Our numbers now also boast powerful virtual switchboard functionality allowing you to have your own automated switchboard and virtual call centre ! An optional live telephone answering service is also available, have your messages taken by a real person when you are unavailable ! You can also have separate fax numbers and get faxes delivered to you by email or diverted to a fax rolex machine. As you would expect, all this can be controlled 24/7 via a fully featured online control panel. To find out more about the types of numbers available, click on the relevant buttons above. Now you can also port your existing landline number to dmClub, so you can get all the benefits of our virtual numbers whilst keeping your existing number !